Håller tal till europeiska vänner
Att hälsa internationella gäster välkomna till vårt fina Kronoberg är alltid en ära. Idag var inte annorlunda. Idag samlades representanter från länder runt Baltikum i Interreg South Baltic för sin årliga konferens, denna gången i Växjö. En viktig organisation där samarbete för att jobba med den regionala utvecklingen i våra länder är viktigt. Mitt budskap var tydligt; samverkan och innovation är det som är nyckeln för den framtida utvecklingen av våra regioner i unionen.
Här nedan kan ni läsa mitt välkomsttal till deltagarna på Interreg South Baltic the annual Event 2023.
Interreg South Baltic Annual Event 2023
My name is Rene Jaramillo, Chairman of the regional development board in the Kronoberg region and I want to say with great pleasure, a warm welcome to Växjö and Kronoberg.
As you have probably noticed, Kronoberg is a region where the colour green is obvious. Our nature gives us the joy to enjoy it and use its resources in different ways, the green forest is a big part of our identity. Partly for what it means for our environment and outdoor life, but also what it means for our industry.
We are a region where forestry is of great importance and we use wood to a large extent as a building material, as an energy source and more.
In Kronoberg, our industry is the engine, regardless of whether we are talking about small, medium or large companies. Our business community plays an important role in economic green growth. Central to this are areas that we have pinpointed clearly in our smart specialisation; mechanical engineering industry, wood, forestry and design, together with IT services make Kronoberg a leading region in many aspects. Our companies play a role in the global economy, but above all when it comes to the green transition.
IKEA, Volvo, VIDA, NIBE and IV product. Impressively many and competitive SME:s in a small region like ours. But what is most impressive is that there are also a number of small businesses, where innovation, IT and design stand out.
So, what is the secret? I would say our residents!
Kronoberg is a region made up of hard-working people, people who have ideas and dare to realize their dreams.
We are a region that has a history of openness to new people and that has understood that we need people in our region to grow, to become even stronger and better. But people need to feel good, to be healthy and live happy lives, otherwise they will choose to live somewhere else. With a rich cultural life, respect for our nature and possibilities to work or study we can attract people to our region. To all our regions.
Innovation, new technology, green transition is the basis for building a stronger Europe for our citizens. Prosperity is a word that means a lot to our residents and to continue building a strong Europe.
We need strong regions that can work together, just that, is why we are here today. Cooperation to develop our strengths, cooperation to help each other find sustainable solutions to our challenges. Every country and every region have a responsibility. Not to us in the present, but to us in the future.
We live in troubling times. War, conflicts, terrorism and economic distress is a great challenge for the world. As you know, in times of war there are never winners – only losers. Remember, humanity are the ones losing.
A union based on important principles guarantees a secure future for the new generations.
Peace, a strong competitive Union, a common voice in an international perspective, a strong security and safety in our regions and of course free movement between the member states are the basis of the European dream.
The dream is alive and together we can make it more real every day! That is why I and my region believe in the idea of the European Union!
My fellow partners!
Welcome to Kronoberg and may we continue our journey together… More cooperation, more collaboration, for the good of our citizens!
Welcome to Kronoberg. Thank you!
Rene Jaramillo (M), Chairman of the regional development board of Region Kronoberg